
Group’s mission: Satisfy needs of our customers, supporting them with high quality products and technology, achieving maximum confidence based on an excellent service, positioning us as leaders in this market.

Since our beginning, leaders in technology and equipment for fuel aviation and general aviation  industry  services and facilities.


SSSI Aviation division is part of SSSI International,oriented to serve the demand of customers belonging to the technical and service field in the aviation industry, civilian and military.

This division is able to satisfy the main demands of airport industry infrastructure such as air terminals, fuel depots, and other related facilities. To achieve this, it has extensive experience in technical support and finding solutions according to the needs of each specialty as architecture, environment, detection and firefighting, air conditioning system, hydraulics and sanitary.

SSSI Aviation has a vast commercial and technical service history supported by specialized market development of the aviation fuel. In this area, we have a great experience creating projects, designs and supplying components, parts and spare parts. With high quality guaranteed by notorious components and years of use, we also are producers of specialized equipment counting on our own products line.


Equipment and systems safety and reliability are the two most important factors in aviation, reason why the products our division commercialize comply strictly with the stipulated international standards.

Airport facilities are particularly specific according to the needs and possibilities of each operator. Regardless of this, specific standards for every specialty of the branch must be comply. Customers have very particular requirements so the standard production equipment may or may not satisfy the demand. This is why our engineers and sellers are always in direct contact with the final user and they will work together to adapt or create specific designs so we are able to achieve care, delivery and personalized service.

Parts or spare parts accessories in aviation play a fundamental role in the reliability, security and continuity of the services provided by our customers, this is the reason why SSSI Aviation puts main interest in advising and supplying. Whether they are for equipment supplied by our company or any similar equipment in function, we work with providers of authentic pieces and parts of each brand according to the specific technical characteristics in the most effective and efficient search, achieving also a prompt delivery

Good performance for any equipment or system depends on a proper start-up, because of this; our aviation division puts a lot of interest advising the implementation of the start-up in presence of our specialists. In addition, we provide our service in the defect inspection of existing equipment and systems, supplied or not by our company and offering possible solutions for individual cases of failure or listing the pieces customers must stock for maintenance.

SSSI Aviation not only focuses on advising and giving solutions to the problems and demands of the customer. Training of the staff related with systems and equipment it is also part of its services through workshops and technical conferences for specialists and operators in each branch.

This training can take place in proper facilities located in Canada and (or) at the customer facilities. Properly qualified staff give this kind of service, contributing this way to the correct operation and safety of the equipment we offer.

As part of post sales service, we guarantee availability of our technicians at any time the client requires.


Aviation fuel

Thanks to our knowledge in this field, we are fully capable of providing solutions, projects and equipment for each stage of the fueling process to the aircraft, from storage tanks and its entire infrastructure, to the provision equipment that connect directly to the wing of the plane.

Filters for fuel and its accessories for stationary and mobile systems.

  • Micronics filters – EI 1582
  • Filters Monitors – EI 1583
  • Filters Separator – EI 1585
  • Clay filters.
  • Strainers.


  • Pressure gauges
  • Online sampling  for closed circuit with fast and dry disconnection.
  • Flow indicators and viewers.
  • Water and particles detectors sensors.
  • Differential pressure limiters.
  • Filter elements (monitors,Micronics, separator, etc.)
  • Pressure and flow automatic regulators valves.
  • Pressure relief valves.
  • Shut-off valves ss.
  • Automatic air eliminators.
  • Gaskets and seals.
  • Stairs and platforms structures for stationary  filters.

Skids Stationary and mobile pumps systems and its accessories (complete pumping skid). 

2.1  Pumping Systems for aviation fuel transfer (electric motors or combustion) (compacts and effective with emphasis on its effectiveness).

2.2  Accessories.

  • Pumps.
  • Spare parts for pumps.
  • Pressure, flow and temperature sensors equipment.
  • Shut-off valves and control (blocking, pressure, volume and flow)
  • Articulated arms for landings and unloading sites and tanks.

Equipment for fuel supply to aircraft

3.1   Refuerler Tank trucks of several capacities and volume  for  refueling ,small, medium and large aircraft, according to international recommendations including NFPA 407 US DOT specification 406 ATA 103 JIG EI/IP.

3.2   Hydrant cards for hydrants systems, towed, mobiles and stationary, according to international recommendations including NFPA 407 US DOT specification 406 ATA 103 JIG EI/IP and customer specifications.

3.3 Mobile vacuum equipment for hydrants and pipelines cleaning.


Accessories for storage tanks.

  • Breathing and vacuum valves.
  • Floating suction arms.
  • Different types of valves (cot, balloon, double lock, etc.)
  • Measurement and cleaning registration, manhole, etc.
  • Drainage collectors and recyclers tanks.
  • Level meters.

Pipes and accessories in accordance with aviation fuel standards (elbows, tees, valves, welding brackets, weldolet, etc.)

  • Leak Detectors.
  • Cathode protection.

Equipment and consumables for quality and safety control.

  • Measuring tapes.
  • Water detectors.
  • Particle detectors.
  • Fungus detectors.
  • Density and temperature gauges.
  • Online and manual sampling.
  • General laboratory equipment

Equipment and sensors for flow, volume, pressure and temperature measuring, etc.

  • Metros Meters (mass and volume) mechanical and electronic.
  • Patterns meters.
  • Patterns tanks.
  • Gauges, vacuum gauges and accessories.
  • Thermocouple, thermometers etc.


SSSI Aviation has a group dedicated provide post sales services for equipment, parts and components we supply for aircraft fueling services.

Maintenance and Renovation 

  • We offer preventive maintenance Programs.
  • We conduct detailed technical inspection reports offering the required supply and actions to take.
  • Renovation and regulatory update in our workshops or at customer premises.

Professional qualification

  • Training for technicians, operators and professionals on customer premises or at our facilities. English, Spanish.
  • Technical and operational programs conferences. English, Spanish.


1.Air conditioning equipment.

– Chiller full systems and cooling towers.

2.Sanitary hydraulic systems.

– Pumping systems, aggregates and accessories.

3.Detection and fire extinguishing systems and accessories.

– Extinguishing equipment (foam generators, fire extinguishers, nozzles, hoses, etc.).
– Pumping systems (electric pumps and diesel)skids.

4.Structures for special buildings (air terminals, hangars,and administrative buildings).

5.Sewage treatment plant, rainwater and technological.